Cognita Asia Safeguarding Policy Overview For Parents

Policy Statement

Safeguarding children describes the action we take in Cognita Asia schools to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. We believe that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and that everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.

We define safeguarding as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes


Children are best protected when our school community has a clear understanding of the school’s reporting requirements and processes, and how we need to work in partnership to uphold student safety and wellbeing.

AIS Personal Data Protection Statement

AIS (The School) must comply with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) relating to the collection, use, disclosure and security of your personal data. The PDPA recognises your rights to access and correct your personal data held by the school as well as the needs of the school to collect, use and disclose your personal data for the legitimate purposes of the school.

Personal data that is collected about you and your family (including you and your child’s identity documents, contact details, date of birth, marital status, medical information and bank information) may be collected, used, disclosed or processed for the following purposes:

  • To determining eligibility for enrolment at the school
    assessing, monitoring, reporting on student progress
    monitoring students’ use of ICT to ensure compliance with the schools’ acceptable use policy
  • Provision of online services to the students and parents such as Firefly or bus tracking and monitoring services
  • Responding to your questions and feedback
  • Application to the relevant Singapore authorities for relevant approvals or student passes for enrolment at the school
  • Teaching or activities through field trips, concerts and performances, co-curricular activities or inter-school activities
  • To provide academic references or educational history to any third party
    billing and finance
  • Supply of goods and services to parents and students which the School or third parties on behalf of the School may offer including but not limited to transport services, food services, medical services, or travel related services
  • Supply of administrative, computer data storage or processing services by the School or a third party service provider either in Singapore or overseas
    conducting surveys of parents and students either by the school or a third party on behalf of the school to assess the performance of the school as a whole
  • Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students, parents and staff
    ensuring all relevant legal obligations of the school, parents, students and staff are complied with
  • Make use of photographs, videos or sound recordings of students in School publications, website or other external media
  • Maintaining relationships with students and parents of the school for fundraising, marketing or promotional purposes by the school and its affiliate organisations
  • Promoting the School and its affiliates such as Camp Asia to existing and prospective families such through post, email or sms
  • All other matters relating to your child’s enrolment and education at the School or operation of the School that the Schools deems necessary or reasonable.


Consent: You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information and your child(ren)’s personal information for the purposes set out in section “Purpose” above.

Access and Correction: You have the right to request to access and/or correct the personal data held about you and your child(ren) by the School and the School shall respond to such request as soon as reasonably possible. You may contact the School in writing (together with proof of your identity) to confirm whether and how the school has used or disclosed your or your child(ren)’s personal data (up to the last 1 year before the date of your request), request that any errors or omissions in your or your child’s personal data be rectified, request access to the PDPA policies of the School or request that the School make available information relating to complaints procedures that may arise in relation to PDPA. You may also withdraw your consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of your personal data at any time and the School will advise you of the consequences of withdrawing your consent. The School must be able to verify your identity before it can accept any access or correction requests from you and a fee may be charged for such access. The School reserves the right to decline access if the burden or expense of providing access would be unreasonable or disproportionate, if the School is satisfied on reasonable grounds that a correction should not be made or if any of the exemptions under the PDPA are applicable. Written requests for access and correction can be made to the personal data protection co-ordinator at the School at

Security and Retention: The School will ensure that your personal data is always secure by implementing appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying or modification of your personal data, in particular when the processing of data involves third parties. The School will only retain your and your child(ren)’s personal data for so long as there is a legitimate business or legal reason for retaining the personal data or if required by any law.


AIS Residential Policy

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