English Preparation Program for 12 to 16 Years

At AIS, the English Language program is delivered by specialist language teachers with specific pedagogical experience. In order to maximise the benefits and outcomes of the program and to ensure English Language acquisition is a whole school focus at AIS, all staff are exposed professionally to the theory and pedagogy of English language teaching.

The EAL English Course is structured to meet the academic needs of students at all stages in the language acquisition process. Emphasis is placed upon improving the students’ ability in all four macro skills that are needed for successful participation in mainstream Secondary programs, and ultimately English First Language/ Literature classes. The EAL programmes in the Secondary school offers a highly structured programme for students to develop skills to enable them to successfully participate in either the Higher School Certificate or International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

Years 6–8

Students who are below year level academic English requirements are required to take the EAL English Course (EAL) in place of English First Language classes. The Year 6-8 programme is a Co-Teaching Model in which students are placed in mainstream classes and are supported through a combination of EAL English lessons and access to an EAL Co-Teacher in mainstream Humanities and Science classes. Once students demonstrate the English proficiency required across a range of subject areas, they are moved to English First Language classes and are no longer required to take the EAL English Course.

*Fees are applicable to the EAL Co-Teaching Model, please see the cost below

Years 9-10

Students have an exceptional opportunity to further develop their academic English proficiency across core subject areas in preparation for Years 11 and 12. The EAL Senior Studies Preparation Program/IGCSE Combined Course (ESSPP) is developed to prepare EAL students for Year 11 studies at AIS in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program or Certificate. This is a two-year course for students whose English skills are not developed enough to undertake all IGCSE mainstream courses which commence in Year 9 or for students who arrive during Year 9 or 10, and are unable to complete the course content. Students in the ESSPP course participate in:

  • Mainstream IGCSE First or Second Non-English Language courses
  • Mainstream International Mathematics (IGCSE)
  • Mainstream ESL English (IGCSE)
  • Mainstream Sport (non-IGCSE)
  • Mainstream Strive (non-IGCSE)
  • ESSPP Science (non-IGCSE)
  • ESSPP Humanities (non-IGCSE)


*Fees are applicable to the EAL ESSPP Course, please see the cost below

Years 11 & 12

Students are offered the International Baccalaureate English B Course Diploma Program or Certificates. Students are required to have sufficient English proficiency to complete all courses without any formal EAL support program. *There are no fees attached to this program.

A combination of exceptional EAL programs and dedicated Academic and University Counselling gives our Secondary Students an opportunity to achieve the highest possible tertiary entry score for study at a university of their choice. We greatly look forward to welcoming your child into our international community of students from over 50 countries.

English As An Additional Language - Tuition Fees

EAL Beginning Program Fee $5,088
EAL Transitioning Program Fee $3,687
Year 6 – 8 EAL Co-Teaching Program Fee $5,088
Year 9 – 10 EAL Senior Studies Preparation Program Fee $5,088
Intensive English Stream Fee (IES) $6,200

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