AIS Graduate Pathways

Pathways to Success: AIS Graduates and University Destinations

Australian International School (AIS) in Singapore is one of the most reputable educational institutions in Singapore. It offers high-quality education that prepares students for their future careers, and its graduates have gone on to achieve great success in various fields. One of the most common questions asked by parents and students interested in AIS is where AIS students go to university and do they graduate with high grades. This article will provide answers to these questions and more.

Overview of AIS

Before delving into the details of where AIS students go to university and their academic performance, let’s have a brief overview of the school itself. AIS is an international school that offers a rigorous and challenging academic program from early childhood to senior years. The school’s curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students from various cultural backgrounds and to help them develop into well-rounded individuals.

AIS has a diverse student body that includes children of expats and locals, with over 50 different nationalities. At AIS we acknowledge the direct correlation between academics and social, emotional and psychological wellbeing and as such we don’t see them as indifferent but are the same component of student learning – Academic Wellbeing. In addition to the academic program, the school offers over 300 co-curricular activities (CCAs), including sports, music, drama, and community service.

University Pathways for AIS Graduates

AIS is known for preparing its students well for university education in Singapore and overseas. The school’s guidance counsellors work closely with students to help them identify their interests and strengths and to develop a plan for their university education. AIS graduates have gone on to attend some of the best universities in the world, including the Russel Group of Australian Universities like the University of Melbourne, Sydney Australian National University, Ivy League institutions in the United States such as Stanford, the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, and the National University of Singapore. This success is firmly grounded in the school’s steadfast commitment to academic well-being.



AIS has a strong track record of preparing its students for admission to top universities, and the school’s academic program is designed to challenge and inspire students to achieve their full potential. The school offers two pathways, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Academic Performance of AIS Graduates

In addition to the university pathways that AIS graduates can access, it is also important to examine their academic performance. AIS students are known for their academic excellence, and the school has a reputation for producing students who perform well in their exams and assessments.

The school’s academic program is designed to challenge students and help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to be independent learners and to take ownership of their education. AIS also provides students with opportunities to engage in research and develop their creativity and innovation skills.

AIS Graduation Results

AIS students have consistently achieved excellent results in their final exams, with many students achieving top marks in their subjects. The school’s IB results have been particularly impressive, with the average score for AIS students consistently exceeding the global average. In 2020, the school achieved a pass rate of 100% for its IB students, with 70% of students achieving scores of 35 and above, which is considered an excellent achievement. 

Our Exceptional Alumni

Amelia Woodward (2011-2017)

  • Achieved the IB Diploma with a perfect score of 45/45 IB Points
  • Graduated with a Master of Science at Stanford University.

Arkie Mandziy (2006-2021)

  • Graduated with the IB Diploma scoring a perfect 45/45 IB Points
  • Awarded a scholarship in Computer Science (Dean’s Excellence) at the University of Melbourne.

Jonathan Ooi (2007-2019)

  • Completed the IB Diploma with a remarkable score of 45/45 IB Points
  • Holds a Bachelor of Economics from Cambridge.

Kaylee Heng (2015-2021)

  • Attained the IB Diploma with an outstanding score of 45/45 IB Points
  • Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne.

Bastien Buwalda (2017-2022)

  • Successfully completed the IB Diploma achieving a perfect score of 45/45 IB Points
  • Clinical Science at Macquarie University.

Alexandra Adamson-Boote (2013-2022)

  • Graduated from AIS with the HSC, achieving an impressive ATAR of 91.8
  • Nutrition Science Dietetics Pathway (Scholars Program) at Monash University.

Learn more about AIS Pathways

AIS is an excellent school that provides its students with a rigorous academic program and a wide range of co-curricular activities. The school’s graduates have gone on to achieve great success in various fields, and many have attended some of the best universities in the world. AIS students are known for their academic excellence, and the school has a strong track record of preparing its students for university education in Singapore and overseas. If you would like to learn more about the different pathways AIS offers please contact us here