Working Together And In Partnership

None of us are born experts in raising children, and just like our children, we learn and draw on the experiences of those around us.

Whether it’s uncovering how you can develop your child’s love of reading or understanding how your child’s eye-movement coordination can benefit their future writing skills, the Australian International School (AIS) is here to support you.

As one of the best International Schools in Singapore, and the best preschool program of 2021, we enjoy sharing with parents the experience of our staff, as well the expertise of the many educational leaders and experts who partner with the school through informative parent workshops.

Our Teaching and Learning program continues across the School, allowing you to access age appropriate support as your child grows and develops.

AIS Early Years Community

Bright Minds

Inspired By Exceptional Teachers And Mentors

Just as our students develop and grow, so does our knowledge and so do our programs.

The Early Learning Village has been developed under the mentorship of Professor Gary Moore (Environment-Behaviour Studies, University of Sydney) and Ms Rosie Long (Reggio Emilia Early Years consultant), to create a truly inquiry-led environment for our young learners to flourish and grow.

Early Years at AIS seeks inspiration for continued development through the wider Cognita family, which incorporates leading early childhood educators from across the globe. By creating partnerships between Cognita schools and key champions of Early Years, we can share knowledge and leverage expertise to provide the best standard of education for our students.

   “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination”

Albert Einstein

Let us show you more!

Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education creates and offers choices of curriculum suited to your child's future path.